Multiple Choice Question Banks
for American History and Government Textbooks

What Our Customers Say About the Question Packs

“These test banks are a godsend for busy instructors. I use Blackboard and Canvas, and she has the test banks formatted for both. Also, Word documents are included as well as Moodle (I'm not sure what Moodle is - I should probably find out). I was able to load the quizzes easily into Blackboard and Canvas. I hope she writes more test banks for OpenStax!” — Meredith

Professionally Designed, Classroom Tested,
Assessment Ready
Multiple Choice Question (MCQ) Sets

Integrate seamlessly with each textbook

  • All question banks include 25 multiple choice questions and answers for each textbook chapter.

  • Includes original, carefully crafted questions for all of the Key Terms in each chapter (usually 10 to 13 items).

  • The remaining questions in the set assess student comprehension of other important concepts, people, and events in each chapter.

Evaluate student understanding of important facts and concepts

  • The questions attempt to assess the learner’s grasp of the big picture.

  • Non-Key Term questions focus on the why and how of crucial developments and not merely rote knowledge or obscure details.

Satisfy course assessment

  • Quizzes and exams based on the test banks may be used to satisfy instructor requirements to assess “core objectives” such as “Critical Thinking" or “Social Responsibility.”

Fast, Easy, Convenient Multiple Choice Question Packs Save You HOURS of Valuable Time!

Create Your First Paper or Online Test in 30 Minutes or Less!

Every Textbook Question Bank Includes Files Formatted For Word, Canvas, Blackboard, and Moodle

  • Word files in .docx format

  • Save the Word files on your computer

  • Create a Paper Quiz or Exam with a few clicks of your mouse

  • Canvas files in QTI 2.1 .zip format

  • Files import directly into your online course

  • Create an Online Test with a few clicks of your mouse

  • Blackboard files for both Tests and Pools

  • Files import directly into your online course

  • Create an Online Test with a few clicks of your mouse

  • Moodle Files in Aiken format

  • Files import directly into your online course

  • Create an Online Test with a few clicks of your mouse

If Time is Money, You’re About to Save Hundreds of Dollars